Make sure you don't have a reaction ability like counter that could kill the last enemy there and end the fight before you want it to end. I almost mastered all five jobs that the characters had. Having a monk use chakra on magic users to replenish their MP while they cast spells like protect, haste, blind, etc will train them and you can use others characters abilities to heal or cure them. If you have if in you, you could do some Job point grinding while your there. Then, just take turns in reducing the levels of your characters one by one. With knight, use power break, speed break and with the black mage, use frog on a single enemy left after clearing the place. Take some jobs that will render an enemy useless like knight or black mage or both. Head to any castle and use 'Best Fit' on that person. Equip the weapon in the left hand and a weak shield in the right hand. Get a person the Two Swords Skill and change that person into a knight. Just below that elevated spot is a trap called a degenerator that will reduce the level of a character by one every time they step on it. When you get a powerful weapon (Excalibar, Save the Queen) you can duplicate that unique weapon. Go to Zecklaus desert, hit a random battle, in the middle trench part on the side is a elevated spot.